Dragon Fund

Duke School produces outstanding students who are independent learners, thinkers, decision-makers, and problem solvers.

Your interest in and support of the Dragon Fund significantly impacts Duke School daily. Tuition typically covers about 80% of the Independent School experience. For this reason, every gift to the Dragon Fund, regardless of gift size, helps to make a difference in our school community.

Donations assist with enhancing student experiences, teacher and staff development, financial aid, and classroom resources. Duke School relies on the generosity of trustees, parents, grandfriends, alumni, and past parents to sustain these initiatives.

Every annual Dragon Fund gift is a statement of support and commitment to Duke School and the kind of education we provide to our students.

The Supplemental Gap Fund, part of the Dragon Fund, helps families facing financial difficulties, ensuring continued access to education at Duke School. If you're interested in supporting specific initiatives, please contact the Duke School Development Office. Your participation is vital for making education accessible and impactful for all students.

Please join our Duke School community in giving to the 2024-25 Dragon Fund!
*For more information about independent school giving and fundraising, check out "The Independent School Parent Series - Gifts That Give Back." 


Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation



  • $189,442
  • $350,000


We love to celebrate and recognize all of our donors and do so in the school’s Annual Report. Donors will be recognized according to the giving clubs they have joined based upon their gifts. If you would like to remain anonymous, please contact the Development Office. If you have not yet participated, we ask you to click on GIVING to make a secure donation online. Please know that we are grateful for your support.

Duke School Giving Clubs
Founder's Club $10,000+
Under the Oak Club $5,000-9,999
Hull Avenue Club $2,500-4,999
Erwin Road Club


Dragon's Club $500-999
Maroon Club $250-499
Donors Club $1-249

Chorus Concert, 2023-24 students using choral risers

New GaGa Pit area in Middle School 

Duke School students supporting I love DS Day

Duke School Gratitude Board from Early Childhood division, 2024

Spirit Week 2024

Chorus Concert (December 2023), students on choral risers, supported by Dragon Fund