
Community of Givers

Welcome from Development!

Dear Families, Friends, and Visitors,

As I enter my second year with Duke School, I am eager to continue serving our students and community with a mission-forward, data-driven approach. It is my pleasure to lead our efforts to raise money, awareness, and support to advance our mission to Inspire learners to boldly and creatively shape their future.

Duke School's Development Office oversees fundraising, events, the Parent School Organization (PSO), and alumni relations. We are dedicated to securing financial resources, nurturing lifelong relationships, and developing a deep love and respect for our community to ensure an enriching, robust educational journey for our students during their days at Duke School and beyond.

On average, tuition covers 80% of a student’s educational experience at an Independent School. As we prepare the next generation of problem solvers for our complex world, we  rely on strong philanthropic support from our trustees, parents, grandparents, alumni and their parents, and friends. These gifts help shape the environment that produces outstanding students who are independent learners, thinkers, and decision-makers.

As we journey on another year together, it is my hope you will support our efforts, by giving to the Dragon Fund and the Imagine More Campaign supporting the Center for IDEAS, attending our events, and engaging in all the ways we are striving to build belonging within our school and Durham community. Gifts of all sizes are welcomed and appreciated and will impact our school in the most positive ways. Your philanthropic support is meaningful, your engagement is fruitful, and your partnership is treasured.

With gratitude, appreciation, and in partnership,
Shenise Foote, Director of Development, Duke School


We are pleased to share our report of gifts from the 2023-2024 year. Duke School continues to be the leading progressive school in the area thanks to the programs, teachers, and offerings we provide to our students thanks in part to the philanthropic support of our community.

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Dragon Fund and supported our Development efforts in the 2023-2024 school year. 

Read our 2023-2024 Annual Report

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (919) 493-9968, or email Shenise Foote, Director of Development. Duke School offers a secure site for donors to use a credit card to make a contribution to the school. Check out our ways to give for payment options and details. 

Your gift to Duke School is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law in the United States of America. For other countries, please check with your local tax adviser regarding tax deductions of charitable contributions. Duke School's gift year ends June 30, but you may want to contribute by December 31, to take advantage of current year tax benefits.

I love Duke School Day 2024 (DS 2nd grade teacher Cynthia and her students)

Duke School Days of Giving 2023-2024

Parents/Caregivers support Duke School and the Dragon Fund

Preschoolers during the I love DS Day, 2024

#DSGives board of reasons why we give

Parents/Caregivers support Duke School and the Dragon Fund

Bob (MS Director) supports Duke School and the Dragon Fund

DS staff supporting Duke School and the Dragon Fund


Shenise Foote, Director of Development

Alexandria Turnley, Director of the Dragon Fund and Alumni Relations

Nancy Joyce, Development Office Administrator

Duke School offers a secure site for donors to use a credit card to make a contribution to the school. Check out our ways to give for payment options and details.  

Your gift to Duke School is tax deductible. Duke School's gift year ends June 30, but you may want to contribute by December 31, to take advantage of current year tax benefits.