Give to the Imagine More Campaign
There are several methods of making charitable gifts to support the Imagine More Campaign, each of which presents certain advantages, depending on the donor's personal circumstances. The following are several options for your consideration:
- Credit Card/Online Giving
- Gifts via Checks or Cash
- Pledges
- Donor Advised Funds
- Gifts in Honor or Tribute
- Gifts of Stock
- Effortless Giving
- Wire Transfer & Other Gift Types
Credit Card/Online Giving
Gifts via Checks or Cash
Donor Advised Funds
Gifts in Honor or Tribute
Gifts of Stock
Effortless Giving
Wire Transfer & Other Gift Types
If you would like to make gifts using a method not listed above, please contact the Development Office.
Duke School's gift year ends June 30, but you may want to contribute by December 31, to take advantage of current year tax benefits.