How 2nd Grade Teacher Dan is Elevating Project Work Through Experience

Join second-grade teacher Dan Heuser and Duke School to learn about elevating project work through experience. Dan is sharing his study through the John Watson Moore Grant he got this summer and introducing the world of cob house building to his class, bringing their "Garden Helpers" project onto a new level.

Read the Full Story about How 2nd Grade Teacher Dan is Elevating Project Work Through Experience

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Dragon news



Duke School publishes the Under the Oak magazine annually for its current families, alumni families, alumni, grandparents, employees, and friends. Each issue focuses on a core value and shares what makes the school and community such a special place. 

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the magazine, please contact Communications. We also welcome news about alumni for future publications; please e-mail with this information. 

What's in a Name: The oak tree on Duke School's campus, beautifully nestled amongst Duke Forest, is a regular meeting place for students and faculty. The meeting spot is referred to as UTOT/ U.T.O.T. (under the oak tree). 



Duke School's Closing and Delayed Openings Communication Procedure

We closely monitor threats of inclement weather. In the event of school closings or delayed openings, decisions will be made by 6 AM and will be announced on the Duke School site, through a blast phone call to the primary emergency contact number, text message (if requested), e-mail, and shared on select news stations including ABC11 WTVD and WRAL-TV.

If the school must close early, we will announce this via e-mail notices and blast phone calls and texts to all emergency contact numbers/e-mail addresses on file. If this is the case, please expect multiple messages.

Since Duke School does not operate buses, we tend to open more readily than public schools do in inclement weather. Please know that your safety and that of your family are most important, we trust each of you will use your own best judgment. Please feel welcome to pick up a child early or keep your child home if inclement weather threatens and you feel it is necessary to do so. 


    For daily engagement with Duke School, please connect with us on our social media platforms—FacebookInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn. We look forward to sharing our #OnlyAtDukeSchool happenings!

    Duke School's Marketing and Communications Office is responsible for all marketing and advertisements, digital platforms, print publications, including the school's website, social media, photos, videos, magazine, and weekly Spark eNewsletter. 

    Noah Andres '19 created the "Dragons" mural featured at the top of this page for his 8th Grade Project–it is displayed in the Middle School Gym.